Frequently Asked Questions

Homeowner/Insured’s Obligations

  • When a loss occurs, the insured should promptly notify their agent or insurance company.

  • If your home is damaged, you must make emergency repairs to prevent further damage.

  • The insured has a responsibility to mitigate damages to their property or protect the property from further damage. The insured should make reasonable temporary repairs and keep accurate records and receipts of those repairs. It is always a good idea to take photos of the damage prior to making temporary repairs, if possible.

  • The insured should also compile an inventory of all damaged personal property.

  • The insured must cooperate with the company in the investigation of the claim. The insured and/or others parties may be asked to provide a recorded statement oran examination under oath.

Insurance Carrier’s Obligations

  • An insurance company must respond to any communication with respect to a claim within 14 calendar days, unless payment is made within that period of time or unless the failure to acknowledge is caused by factors beyond the company’s control.

  • Within 10 working days after the company receives proof of loss statements, the company must begin its investigation of a claim unless the failure to investigate is caused by factors beyond the control of the company.

  • Timeframe for Payment of Claim: Within 90 days after a company receives notice of a new, reopened or supplement property insurance claim, the company must pay or deny the claim. If the settlement amount is contested, the company should pay all uncontested amounts within the 90-day timeframe.